5 Easy Ways to Stay Eco-Friendly With Your Music Festival Fashion in 2023


5 min read

5 Easy Ways to Stay Eco-Friendly With Your Music Festival Fashion in 2023

Three women in blue and orange outfits posing for a picture.
By Jordan Roche

By Jordan Roche

Content Creator for Raveraide (@jordan_roche)

Are you someone who LOVES keeping up with music festival fashion trends and looking like a whole snack?

Want to start doing it while preserving our beautiful planet? If so, you’re going to want to keep reading for the best ways to style your looks in an eco-friendly way this upcoming festival season.

Creating the perfect look can be difficult when going through your closet and realizing that you’re missing some of the necessities. I’m going to share with you my top 5 hacks on staying not only eco-friendly, but budget friendly! The less you have to spend on your music festival fashion, the more opportunities you’ll have to attend festivals throughout the year, right?? So let’s get started!

Best Eco-Friendly Music Festival Fashion Tips

1.) Thrift For Unique Items

You would be surprised how many incredible pieces you can find at a thrift store. The key is knowing where to look. If there is a large LGBTQIA+ community near you, check the thrift stores there! Out of the Closet is one of my favorite thrift stores in St. Petersburg, FL and they are located all across the country. 96 cents of every dollar made goes to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s HIV prevention and treatment services. Thanks to this incredible donation every location is able to offer high-quality HIV testing services. Find one to support near you using this Out of the Closet’s Store Locator.

Other thrift stores to check out are those located in more high end areas of town. People who can afford to buy new clothes often usually get rid of their old ones sooner, so these thrift stores tend to have more recent fashion trends available. Find a thrift store near you! Thrift Stores | Thrift Stores Near Me


Check Out Consignment Shops

Consignment shops are another great option. They differ from thrift stores slightly because the original owner of the items gets a portion of the proceeds. Based on assumption and experience, people who want money back for their items are more likely to have taken good care of them and spent more money on them in the first place. 

No matter what thrift stores or consignment shops you have available in your area, anywhere can surprise you so enjoy a day of budget friendly retail therapy and check out your local shops.

This last festival season I found this adorable fuzzy matching yellow set at one of my favorite local thrift stores that supports runaway & homeless children. Of course I couldn’t help myself from creating a Spongebob look out of it because I’M READY to rave!

A woman with pink hair and a colorful outfit.

Borrowed: High Socks, Finger Characters, Sunglasses, Flower Headband 

Thrifted: Fish Earrings, Yellow Skirt (has matching top, not pictured)

Bought: Bowtie (actually a baby headband)

Already Owned: Boots, Belt, Top, Pashmina

Model: Jordan Roche (@jordan_roche on IG)

2.) Share Your Items With Others

Sharing is caring! Before you go to the store and spend your hard earned money on something you’re only going to wear once or twice, check with your fellow ravers and see if they already own it! We are all a part of a beautiful rave COMMUNITY so share the PLUR when it comes to accessorizing!

I borrowed some items from my friends to complete my looks when I went to Imagine Music Festival, but the favor was returned at EDC Orlando. Sadly, I was not able to make it this year, but my clothes still got to party! I couldn’t physically be there with all of my roommates enjoying the festival, but I was not forgotten as they danced the night away with a little piece of me.

I was definitely sad at first when the FOMO kicked in, but it gave me a sense of relief and love knowing they’d be having fun & thinking of me. I knew I would be there in spirit.

Two pictures of people in bikinis and one with a chicken

Models: Jordan Roche, Monica Arrea, Katherine Robbins

Instagrams: @jordan_roche @monica.arrea @katnation_

Borrowed: Fishnets, Sunglasses, Pashmina (not pictured), Alice in Wonderland One Piece & Arm Sleeves from Freedom Rave Wear 

Bought: Earrings

Already Owned: Fan, Necklace, Boots & Bubbles

3.) Create Your Own Outfits

Creating your own music festival outfits is actually a lot easier than you might think! Try to think back to that home economics course you took in middle school when you learned how to sew and get crafty. Tap into your childhood roots and let the creativity flow! If you find a great option at the thrift store that is too big, it’s time to… GET CREATIVE! 

Finding the perfect fabric is usually the hard part, so once you have that you can fit it to YOUR body and totally customize it! I’m very tall so sometimes it’s hard to find things that fit me correctly. I love using belts to make clothes fit my body better. Since I am tall I sometimes need to buy things a little bit bigger so they are actually long enough for my torso. When I do that it looks a lot baggier than planned so I’ll add a belt to slim the waist and avoid it looking like I’m in a potato sack. With patterned outfits I usually do a solid color belt, and with solid dresses or rompers I like to add something with a fun pattern. 

Belts are just the first step in getting comfortable with customizing your looks. Accessories of all kinds will help take an ordinary outfit to an extraordinary one and they are fun to look for at thrift stores! Plus, if you feel confident or like trying something new, you can totally do some sewing! If it works out you’ll be EXTRA excited when someone compliments your outfit! The best part is, when you buy from thrift stores you might only waste $10 if you somehow mess it up. You didn’t have an outfit before so it’s not too bad if you have to start over.

You can also try bleach dying old T-shirts you already own or find at a thrift store! Don’t stop there, make it even more unique by cutting it however you’d like OR ironing on a photo of your favorite DJ! You can get iron on photo paper at Staples.

Whatever your style is, take to that old pinterest board you made in college, get crafty & enjoy yourself!

A man taking a selfie in front of a mirror.

Model: Jordan Roche (@jordan_roche on IG)

Thrifted & Bleach Dyed T-shirt

I have yet to cut this one, but I’m don’t think I will because who doesn’t love a baggy tee??

4.) Rent a Whole New Look

KITILY is a small woman owned business developed by Angela Turingan that offers various membership plans for festival rentals starting at just $29.99/month! Angela loved attending festivals, but had a hard time justifying paying tons of money for outfits she’d only wear once – Agreed! Raving felt unsustainable for both her wallet and the planet so she wanted to change that. The company was inspired by a rental brand that Angela used for years until she thought “wow, I can really bring this service to the rave community.” Now with her business growing, you can choose from plans renting 2, 8 or 12 items a month with FREE shipping! Each item is personally cleaned and inspected for any damage to ensure the next member receives the same piece in great condition! ALL membership plans allow you to cancel at any time OR purchase the items you really loved for a discounted price! 

Model: Abigail

Find the perfect plan for you at Membership Plans – KITILY

5.) Recycled Fabrics

Shop from eco-friendly brands that use recycled materials for their products! You’d be surprised how comfortable a pair of leggings made from plastic bottles can be! These companies have killer deals pretty frequently so sign up for their email lists to get alerted on when you can save money! You don’t want to miss out on savings, especially when Black Friday comes around! 

Here’s a few brands you can look into to decide which are the best for you and your budget:


Sustainability is their mission. One pair of leggings is made with 27 recycled water bottles! Trust me when I say you could NEVER tell! The fabrics are not only beautiful, but comfortable!

Shop the for your perfect look at: 

Wolven | Make Sustainability Sexy (wolventhreads.com)

A woman is doing yoga on the beach

Model: Jordan Roche

Photographer: Gideon Adams (@vision_ofgideon on IG)

Freedom Rave Wear

Over 90% of all their products are made with recycled materials. Again, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when it comes to how comfortable the fabrics are! Their clothes are also made in a microfactory where they bring together both production processes of printing & sewing. This creates up to 80% less waste compared to traditional fast fashion supply chains!

Check it out & find your next look:

Shop Rave Outfits | Freedom Rave Wear | Rave Clothes for All

A woman in a colorful outfit and sunglasses

Model: Jordan Roche

Photographer: Gideon Adams (@vision_ofgideon on IG)

Shop Juuney 

Emily Bracey, founder & CEO of Shop Juuney (@shopjuuney on Instagram), loves making new creations out of beautiful gently used fabrics! She scopes out thrift stores for old curtains, table cloths or anything unique that grabs her eye. She just recently launched her newest line of upcycled clothing on November 11th, 2022 so get your favorites while supplies last!

These skirts are INCREDIBLY SOFT & a great length… especially for tall girls like me! 

The Queen Sleeves are equally soft and allow you to modify any outfit with a quick addition! 

Can you believe that patterned top used to be a tablecloth?! 

Check out the rest of this collection at:

 Up Cycled – Juuney


A woman in a black top and beige pants.

So I hope this gave you some fun and creative ideas for how to design and style eco-friendly rave attire while on a budget! Music festival fashion is such a cool way to express yourself, and there’s so many incredible ways to do it without breaking your bank account. 

Lastly, If you’re looking for some more awesome eco-friendly rave brands to support, check out our post on the 8 Best Rave Clothing Stores For Sustainable Rave Wear.

This post was all about the top eco-friendly music festival fashion tips for 2023.

Jordan Roche
Jordan Roche

Outside of the rave world, I’m a certified vegan nutrition coach, corrective exercise fitness trainer and model. Live music feeds my soul, and has honestly played such a huge role in my mental health & happiness in life. The rave community is full of the most genuine, kind hearted people I’ve ever met and I am so grateful to be a part of it. My top 3 festivals so far are Elements, Imagine and Okeechobee but that’s likely to change when I hit Envision in 2024!

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