13 Rave Recovery Ingredients Inside Raveraide That Will Help You Bounce Back Fast


15 min read

13 Rave Recovery Ingredients Inside Raveraide That Will Help You Bounce Back Fast

A person holding up a book with the cover of everage.

If you’ve been searching for a go-to supplement to add to your rave recovery stack, then look no further.

Look, as fun and memorable as these weekend-long festivals can be, it’s no secret that they can also take a pretty big toll on your body.

Between walking 30,000+ steps each day in the hot sun, dancing and sweating for hours on end, running on minimal sleep and food… I mean c’mon, it’s a lot. 

But for someone who’s experienced the absolute bliss that comes from attending one of these festivals, I’m sure you’d agree that for the most part, the sacrifice is well worth it. 

Even still, there’s ways we can better equip our bodies to handle the strain that these magical, yet exhausting festival weekends can put on us.

Raveraide is a product that was designed for just that.

We talk a big game on our website about Raveraide being scientifically backed to improve things like hydration, immunity, clarity, and neuroprotection so that you can be at your absolute best before, during, and after music festivals. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s take a deeper dive into the science of Raveraide so that you can see exactly what our handpicked ingredients do for your body on a cell and molecular level.

We’ll explain each ingredient in our hydration sticks so you know that we know what we’re talking about, and so you can be a little less nervous about those science-y words on the ingredient list. We’ve got you.

If you’ve been searching for a go-to supplement to add to your rave recovery stack, then look no further.

Look, as fun and memorable as these weekend-long festivals can be, it’s no secret that they can also take a pretty big toll on your body.

Between walking 30,000+ steps each day in the hot sun, dancing and sweating for hours on end, running on minimal sleep and food… I mean c’mon, it’s a lot. 

But for someone who’s experienced the absolute bliss that comes from attending one of these festivals, I’m sure you’d agree that for the most part, the sacrifice is well worth it. 

Even still, there’s ways we can better equip our bodies to handle the strain that these magical, yet exhausting festival weekends can put on us.

Raveraide is a product that was designed for just that.

We talk a big game on our website about Raveraide being scientifically backed to improve things like hydration, immunity, clarity, and neuroprotection so that you can be at your absolute best before, during, and after music festivals. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s take a deeper dive into the science of Raveraide so that you can see exactly what our handpicked ingredients do for your body on a cell and molecular level.

We’ll explain each ingredient in our hydration sticks so you know that we know what we’re talking about, and so you can be a little less nervous about those science-y words on the ingredient list. We’ve got you.

The Rave Recovery Ingredients Inside Raveraide

1.) Electrolytes

So let’s first start by understanding exactly WHY our body begins to power down, whether that’s during a long workout or while you’re dancing around at a festival. 

Because I know we’ve all been there, right? You’re having a good time with your friends, and all of the sudden it feels like you just hit a wall.

You start to feel a little foggy headed, a little spacey, a little out of it. 

This generally happens because of one of two reasons.The first one is very obvious. You’re getting dehydrated. When your body works up a sweat, it starts to excrete key electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are seriously important in keeping you hydrated.

The truth is, your body is made up of 60% water. Your brain and your heart are 73% water. So when your body gets dehydrated, it’s actually a pretty big deal. Although it seems kind of simplistic and silly, there are a ton of important biological processes that require water, along with the minerals mentioned above, to take place. 

It’s especially important to be mindful of this first thing in the morning, as your body loses a good amount of water through the process of breathing throughout the night while asleep.

In fact, one of the simplest biohacks you can begin implementing into your routine is to drink 8-12 oz of water with some electrolytes (or at the very least a few pinches of sea salt) right when you wake up.

It might not make you a morning person overnight, but it should at least help you to get your day going a little faster if you’re someone who struggles with feeling foggy when you first roll out of bed.

A woman is holding up her hair while standing on the track.

1.) Electrolytes

So let’s first start by understanding exactly WHY our body begins to power down, whether that’s during a long workout or while you’re dancing around at a festival. 

Because I know we’ve all been there, right? You’re having a good time with your friends, and all of the sudden it feels like you just hit a wall.

You start to feel a little foggy headed, a little spacey, a little out of it. 

This generally happens because of one of two reasons.The first one is very obvious. You’re getting dehydrated. When your body works up a sweat, it starts to excrete key electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are seriously important in keeping you hydrated.

The truth is, your body is made up of 60% water. Your brain and your heart are 73% water. So when your body gets dehydrated, it’s actually a pretty big deal. Although it seems kind of simplistic and silly, there are a ton of important biological processes that require water, along with the minerals mentioned above, to take place. 

It’s especially important to be mindful of this first thing in the morning, as your body loses a good amount of water through the process of breathing throughout the night while asleep.

In fact, one of the simplest biohacks you can begin implementing into your routine is to drink 8-12 oz of water with some electrolytes (or at the very least a few pinches of sea salt) right when you wake up.

It might not make you a morning person overnight, but it should at least help you to get your day going a little faster if you’re someone who struggles with feeling foggy when you first roll out of bed.

A woman is holding up her hair while standing on the track.
A person holding an object in their hand.

2.) Vitamin D

This important vitamin is one of the core ingredients that makes up our immunity blend. Our body makes about 50% to 90% of the vitamin D our body needs through sunlight exposure, however we all know that in today’s day and age, we’re not getting outside nearly as much. 

And while clothing and sunscreen can be great ways to shield your body against damage from harmful UVB rays, they also prevent your body from being able to absorb that beneficial vitamin D through your skin. Unfortunately it’s a bit of a double edged sword.

It’s important to know this, because according to recent statistics, 35% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D. They also show that if you’re elderly, obese, or have a darker skin complexion, that likelihood of deficiency goes up even higher. So you might be wondering, why is this important? Why does this matter? 

Well, for starters.. When absorbed, vitamin D actually gets converted into a steroid hormone in the body that regulates up to 5% of your genes. That’s a lot. 

It plays a key role in regulating your immune system, as one study showed that individuals who were born with a specific gene variant, one that makes it so you’re more likely to be vitamin D deficient, had an increased risk of dying from respiratory infections. 

Not just that, but vitamin D is also very important for your mental health, as numerous studies have been done showing a correlation between low vitamin D levels and symptoms of depression. In fact, a randomized controlled trial done in 2016 showed that high dose vitamin D supplementation resulted in a reduction in depressive symptoms for individuals with major depressive disorders. So this important vitamin, which once again acts as a hormone in the body, is very crucial for your immune system, but also plays an important role in helping to regulate your mood.


2.) Vitamin D

This important vitamin is one of the core ingredients that makes up our immunity blend. Our body makes about 50% to 90% of the vitamin D our body needs through sunlight exposure, however we all know that in today’s day and age, we’re not getting outside nearly as much. 

And while clothing and sunscreen can be great ways to shield your body against damage from harmful UVB rays, they also prevent your body from being able to absorb that beneficial vitamin D through your skin. Unfortunately it’s a bit of a double edged sword.

It’s important to know this, because according to recent statistics, 35% of the US population is deficient in vitamin D. They also show that if you’re elderly, obese, or have a darker skin complexion, that likelihood of deficiency goes up even higher. So you might be wondering, why is this important? Why does this matter? 

Well, for starters.. When absorbed, vitamin D actually gets converted into a steroid hormone in the body that regulates up to 5% of your genes. That’s a lot. 

It plays a key role in regulating your immune system, as one study showed that individuals who were born with a specific gene variant, one that makes it so you’re more likely to be vitamin D deficient, had an increased risk of dying from respiratory infections. 

Not just that, but vitamin D is also very important for your mental health, as numerous studies have been done showing a correlation between low vitamin D levels and symptoms of depression. In fact, a randomized controlled trial done in 2016 showed that high dose vitamin D supplementation resulted in a reduction in depressive symptoms for individuals with major depressive disorders. So this important vitamin, which once again acts as a hormone in the body, is very crucial for your immune system, but also plays an important role in helping to regulate your mood.

A person holding an object in their hand.

3.) Vitamin C

We’ve all been told growing up that vitamin C is good for the immune system, and a great way to get rid of a cold. I guess mom was right about this one. Studies show that individuals who have a deficiency in this important vitamin actually had an impaired immunity and a higher susceptibility to infections. Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant, going through your body and cleaning up oxidative damage & stress that accumulates over time.

If you didn’t know, oxidative damage/stress is when something called “free radicals” begin to build up in the body, and it’s one of the primary contributors to the aging process. 

Because of this, it’s even been theorized in some studies that vitamin C can also work as a potential neuroprotectant, and that’s one of the reasons why we chose to include this nutrient in the product. 


Two orange slices and a pair of ampoules on the table.

3.) Vitamin C

We’ve all been told growing up that vitamin C is good for the immune system, and a great way to get rid of a cold. I guess mom was right about this one. Studies show that individuals who have a deficiency in this important vitamin actually had an impaired immunity and a higher susceptibility to infections. Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant, going through your body and cleaning up oxidative damage & stress that accumulates over time.

If you didn’t know, oxidative damage/stress is when something called “free radicals” begin to build up in the body, and it’s one of the primary contributors to the aging process. 

Because of this, it’s even been theorized in some studies that vitamin C can also work as a potential neuroprotectant, and that’s one of the reasons why we chose to include this nutrient in the product. 

Two orange slices and a pair of ampoules on the table.
A wooden board topped with meat, shrimp and cheese.

4.) Zinc

Zinc is an extremely important element for human health that serves so many different biological functions, from helping to accelerate wound healingmaintaining sexual health, and more. So while we’ve included it in our hydration sticks due to its ability to support immune function, that’s really just a small part of what zinc does for our bodies.


4.) Zinc

Zinc is an extremely important element for human health that serves so many different biological functions, from helping to accelerate wound healing, maintaining sexual health, and more. So while we’ve included it in our hydration sticks due to its ability to support immune function, that’s really just a small part of what zinc does for our bodies.

A wooden board topped with meat, shrimp and cheese.

5.) Glutamine

Now, the final key ingredient that makes up the immunity blend inside of the product is an amino acid called L-Glutamine. Now, glutamine has gained a lot of popularity in the fitness space as a way to enhance muscle repair and recovery, but it’s also been shown to play a major role in your immune function & gut health by helping to heal and strengthen your intestinal walls. 

Studies also show that glutamine is an important fuel source for the immune cells in our body, helping to fuel white blood cells anytime we’re coming down with an infection. So regardless of whether you’re using it to recover because your body is pretty beaten up after a festival, or you simply want to use it to bolster your immune system and reduce your likelihood of getting sick, glutamine is a great solution for both.


A person making a heart with their hands

5.) Glutamine

Now, the final key ingredient that makes up the immunity blend inside of the product is an amino acid called L-Glutamine. Now, glutamine has gained a lot of popularity in the fitness space as a way to enhance muscle repair and recovery, but it’s also been shown to play a major role in your immune function & gut health by helping to heal and strengthen your intestinal walls. 

Studies also show that glutamine is an important fuel source for the immune cells in our body, helping to fuel white blood cells anytime we’re coming down with an infection. So regardless of whether you’re using it to recover because your body is pretty beaten up after a festival, or you simply want to use it to bolster your immune system and reduce your likelihood of getting sick, glutamine is a great solution for both.

A person making a heart with their hands

Mood, Clarity, & Neuroprotection Blend

So let’s move on to the mood, clarity, & neuroprotection blend inside of Raveraide, because this is the part of the product that we personally love the most. We wanted to include specific ingredients that would provide you with peak energy & clarity while both at festivals, and throughout your day-to-day life.

We wanted to provide you with nutrients that would naturally uplift and rejuvenate you, giving you that focus and clarity we all want without stimulating your adrenal glands and making you feel all jittery.

Something that would supply you with long-lasting natural energy, along with specific ingredients that help to alleviate stress & tension in the body, so that you could experience more peace and well-being as you go throughout your day. 

Let’s be honest, stress and anxiety is something that many of us struggle with from day to day, and these feelings can definitely be enhanced while at a crazy music festival. We made certain to take all of these things into account when deciding which ingredients we wanted to include in this blend.

A table topped with meat, potatoes and vegetables.

6.) Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the most important vitamins for brain development. It helps to create neurotransmitters, which are signaling molecules that send chemical messages to your brain. So you know after a day of partying when you’re feeling a little sluggish in the ol’ noggin, it’s because you’ve depleted your body’s reserves of B6. This particular vitamin is also imperative in transporting oxygen through your bloodstream.


6.) Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the most important vitamins for brain development. It helps to create neurotransmitters, which are signaling molecules that send chemical messages to your brain. So you know after a day of partying when you’re feeling a little sluggish in the ol’ noggin, it’s because you’ve depleted your body’s reserves of B6. This particular vitamin is also imperative in transporting oxygen through your bloodstream.

A table topped with meat, potatoes and vegetables.

7.) Vitamin B5

While all B vitamins convert the food that we eat into fuel our body needs to keep going, Vitamin B5 also aids in the manufacturing of red blood cells, which our body needs to get oxygen to our tissues to help keep them healthy and, well, alive. Vitamin B5 is often called the anti-stress vitamin because of the way it helps with the manufacturing of stress and sex-related hormones secreted by the adrenal glands.

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands behind her head.

7.) Vitamin B5

While all B vitamins convert the food that we eat into fuel our body needs to keep going, Vitamin B5 also aids in the manufacturing of red blood cells, which our body needs to get oxygen to our tissues to help keep them healthy and, well, alive. Vitamin B5 is often called the anti-stress vitamin because of the way it helps with the manufacturing of stress and sex-related hormones secreted by the adrenal glands.

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands behind her head.
A table topped with fish, meat and other foods.

8.) Vitamin B12

While this important vitamin plays a role in a number of important processes in the body, the truth is most of us actually aren’t getting nearly enough of it. It was reported by Tufts University that nearly 40% of the US population is low in this important nutrient. When we become deficient, it disrupts all sorts of important neurological processes in the brain, including the creation of those feel good chemicals, dopamine & serotonin. One study showed that individuals who were deficient in vitamin B12 had a higher likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression. 

Now, it’s important to note that while many people believe that the primary source of vitamin B12 in our diets today is animal products, the reality is that animals are simply the middlemen. 

In fact, it’s actually the bacteria from the soil these animals are grazing on and the water that they’re consuming that provides them with vitamin B12. Unfortunately, most animal products that are consumed in the U.S. nowadays come from industrial farming, which due to the heavy use of pesticides, antibiotics, and chlorine in their farming practices, kills the majority of the nutrients in the food and water these animals consume.

Because of this, even farm animals in many cases have to be supplemented with vitamin B12. You might think that you’re getting your B12 from natural sources by consuming animal products, but unless these animals are grass fed, pasture raised, or organic, chances are that you’re simply taking a supplement secondarily through the animal that’s being supplemented with that vitamin.

At Raveraide, we are adamantly opposed to the inhumane practices of these large scale farming corporations, but it’s important to be educated on the facts of what you’re actually putting into your body so you can make the right choices for your health.

Now, we place a huge emphasis on quality and transparency with our products, so I want to take a second to talk about the specific form of vitamin B12 that we use in our hydration sticks. We use a form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin, which is often touted as the most bioavailable form of B12, or the most absorbable form for your body. Not to get too nerdy on you here, but this is a pre-methylated form of B12, which means it’s already converted into the form your body uses when absorbed. We did this because there’s a large percentage of individuals, whether you know it or not, that have a genetic variant they were born with that makes it difficult to process nutrients like vitamin B12 and Folate unless they’re in their pre-methylated form. There are tests you can get to see if you have this specific gene variant, but to be safe, I would always suggest getting vitamin B12 in the pre-methylated form of methylcobalamin. 


8.) Vitamin B12

While this important vitamin plays a role in a number of important processes in the body, the truth is most of us actually aren’t getting nearly enough of it. It was reported by Tufts University that nearly 40% of the US population is low in this important nutrient. When we become deficient, it disrupts all sorts of important neurological processes in the brain, including the creation of those feel good chemicals, dopamine & serotonin. One study showed that individuals who were deficient in vitamin B12 had a higher likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression. 

Now, it’s important to note that while many people believe that the primary source of vitamin B12 in our diets today is animal products, the reality is that animals are simply the middlemen. 

In fact, it’s actually the bacteria from the soil these animals are grazing on and the water that they’re consuming that provides them with vitamin B12. Unfortunately, most animal products that are consumed in the U.S. nowadays come from industrial farming, which due to the heavy use of pesticides, antibiotics, and chlorine in their farming practices, kills the majority of the nutrients in the food and water these animals consume.

Because of this, even farm animals in many cases have to be supplemented with vitamin B12. You might think that you’re getting your B12 from natural sources by consuming animal products, but unless these animals are grass fed, pasture raised, or organic, chances are that you’re simply taking a supplement secondarily through the animal that’s being supplemented with that vitamin.

At Raveraide, we are adamantly opposed to the inhumane practices of these large scale farming corporations, but it’s important to be educated on the facts of what you’re actually putting into your body so you can make the right choices for your health.

Now, we place a huge emphasis on quality and transparency with our products, so I want to take a second to talk about the specific form of vitamin B12 that we use in our hydration sticks. We use a form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin, which is often touted as the most bioavailable form of B12, or the most absorbable form for your body. Not to get too nerdy on you here, but this is a pre-methylated form of B12, which means it’s already converted into the form your body uses when absorbed. We did this because there’s a large percentage of individuals, whether you know it or not, that have a genetic variant they were born with that makes it difficult to process nutrients like vitamin B12 and Folate unless they’re in their pre-methylated form. There are tests you can get to see if you have this specific gene variant, but to be safe, I would always suggest getting vitamin B12 in the pre-methylated form of methylcobalamin. 

A table topped with fish, meat and other foods.

9.) Magnesium

The next key ingredient that we’ve chosen to include in this blend is magnesium, and that’s because this is another one of those nutrients that a large majority of the population is deficient in. Studies show that nearly 50% of Americans consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium from food. This is important because deficiencies in magnesium can lead to a number of symptoms ranging from feelings of depression, increased levels of stress, anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. Let’s just say that it’s not good to be deficient in this particular mineral. 

Magnesium is also another one of those nutrients that comes in a variety of forms that are each absorbed differently in our body. For example, consuming too much of a form called Magnesium Citrate can actually have a laxative effect in the body.. Definitely not something you’d want while in the middle of the crowd at your favorite set of the night. That would just stink. (okay, stupid joke)

Once again, our goal with Raveraide is to ensure high purity & bioavailability with every ingredient in our products. Because of this, we chose to include one of the most easily absorbed forms of magnesium in the body, which is magnesium glycinate

Magnesium has been shown in studies to alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping, things I think we could all use a little help with from time to time. And while it’s not a cure-all, adding a magnesium supplement to your regimen could definitely aid in helping you to feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and at peace each day.


A table topped with lots of different foods.

9.) Magnesium

The next key ingredient that we’ve chosen to include in this blend is magnesium, and that’s because this is another one of those nutrients that a large majority of the population is deficient in. Studies show that nearly 50% of Americans consume less than the recommended amount of magnesium from food. This is important because deficiencies in magnesium can lead to a number of symptoms ranging from feelings of depression, increased levels of stress, anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. Let’s just say that it’s not good to be deficient in this particular mineral. 

Magnesium is also another one of those nutrients that comes in a variety of forms that are each absorbed differently in our body. For example, consuming too much of a form called Magnesium Citrate can actually have a laxative effect in the body.. Definitely not something you’d want while in the middle of the crowd at your favorite set of the night. That would just stink. (okay, stupid joke)

Once again, our goal with Raveraide is to ensure high purity & bioavailability with every ingredient in our products. Because of this, we chose to include one of the most easily absorbed forms of magnesium in the body, which is magnesium glycinate

Magnesium has been shown in studies to alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping, things I think we could all use a little help with from time to time. And while it’s not a cure-all, adding a magnesium supplement to your regimen could definitely aid in helping you to feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and at peace each day.

A table topped with lots of different foods.
A woman sitting at a table with her phone.

10.) L-Theanine

This is arguably my favorite ingredient that we’ve chosen to include inside Raveraide. L-Theanine is an amino acid that’s found in green tea, and it’s gained a lot of popularity over the past few years as a way to improve mental performance. Nootropics, otherwise known as “smart drugs”, are naturally occuring compounds that work to enhance cognitive performance. 

Many nootropics work by increasing levels of certain chemicals in your brain associated with focus, learning, creativity, and memory. Many people (including myself) prefer using L-Theanine, as it contains properties that help to alleviate stress, and provides your body & mind with a sense of calmness without making you feel drowsy or tired. In fact in the biohacking world, L-Theanine is often paired with caffeine as a combination designed to give you clear, focused energy without the extra jitters that are commonly associated with caffeine.

L-Theanine works by increasing your body’s natural levels of dopamine and serotonin (your feel good chemicals), along with a neurotransmitter called GABA that specifically works to calm your body and put you at ease. GABA is the neurotransmitter that’s designed to turn off your “fight or flight” response and put you in that parasympathetic, or “rest and digest” state.

L-Theanine has been shown in studies to help with things like attention, learning and memory, and one study in animals actually demonstrated that L-Theanine reduced the negative effects of a specific form of neurotoxicity. This is one of the key reasons we chose to include this ingredient in our neuroprotection blend. 

Studies also show that it can serve as an anxiolytic, which makes it a great natural way to take the edge off when at a festival or during your every day routine. This is a supplement that I’ve personally taken for years, and is my go-to anytime I want to be in a calm, clear and creative state.


10.) L-Theanine

This is arguably my favorite ingredient that we’ve chosen to include inside Raveraide. L-Theanine is an amino acid that’s found in green tea, and it’s gained a lot of popularity over the past few years as a way to improve mental performance. Nootropics, otherwise known as “smart drugs”, are naturally occuring compounds that work to enhance cognitive performance. 

Many nootropics work by increasing levels of certain chemicals in your brain associated with focus, learning, creativity, and memory. Many people (including myself) prefer using L-Theanine, as it contains properties that help to alleviate stress, and provides your body & mind with a sense of calmness without making you feel drowsy or tired. In fact in the biohacking world, L-Theanine is often paired with caffeine as a combination designed to give you clear, focused energy without the extra jitters that are commonly associated with caffeine.

L-Theanine works by increasing your body’s natural levels of dopamine and serotonin (your feel good chemicals), along with a neurotransmitter called GABA that specifically works to calm your body and put you at ease. GABA is the neurotransmitter that’s designed to turn off your “fight or flight” response and put you in that parasympathetic, or “rest and digest” state.

L-Theanine has been shown in studies to help with things like attention, learning and memory, and one study in animals actually demonstrated that L-Theanine reduced the negative effects of a specific form of neurotoxicity. This is one of the key reasons we chose to include this ingredient in our neuroprotection blend.

Studies also show that it can serve as an anxiolytic, which makes it a great natural way to take the edge off when at a festival or during your every day routine. This is a supplement that I’ve personally taken for years, and is my go-to anytime I want to be in a calm, clear and creative state.

A woman sitting at a table with her phone.

11.) Alpha GPC

Adding to our list of cognitive enhancing ingredients is a nootropic called Alpha GPC, or Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine if you want to sound really smart.

This compound works primarily by increasing a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for memory and learning functions called acetylcholine.

And while unfortunately we haven’t seen a lot of published clinical trials studying the benefits of Alpha GPC specifically, there is plenty of data surrounding acetylcholine and its role in supporting executive functions like learning, decision making, and memory formation.

There is also ongoing research that might suggest Alpha GPC improves thinking & memory skills in individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.


A man sitting at a table with his laptop.

11.) Alpha GPC

Adding to our list of cognitive enhancing ingredients is a nootropic called Alpha GPC, or Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine if you want to sound really smart.

This compound works primarily by increasing a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for memory and learning functions called acetylcholine.

And while unfortunately we haven’t seen a lot of published clinical trials studying the benefits of Alpha GPC specifically, there is plenty of data surrounding acetylcholine and its role in supporting executive functions like learning, decision making, and memory formation.

There is also ongoing research that might suggest Alpha GPC improves thinking & memory skills in individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

A man sitting at a table with his laptop.
A woman sitting at her desk looking at the computer.

12.) Huperzine A

Next on the list is another one of my favorite brain enhancing nootropics called Huperzine A. 

Huperzine is a naturally occurring compound found in Chinese club moss and it’s best known for its properties to help improve memory and mental function in patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Now, Huperzine A works in a similar way to Alpha GPC by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. One study in animals showed that Huperzine might even have the potential to promote something called neurogenesis, which is the growth of new brain cells (something previously believed to be impossible).

There’s also a growing body of evidence suggesting that Huperzine might be used as a neuroprotectant to prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases as we get older. I personally love taking Huperzine. I can anecdotally say that it’s something that uplifts my mood, gives me more focus, and does so in a way that doesn’t stimulate my adrenal glands or make me feel jittery.


12.) Huperzine A

Next on the list is another one of my favorite brain enhancing nootropics called Huperzine A. 

Huperzine is a naturally occurring compound found in Chinese club moss and it’s best known for its properties to help improve memory and mental function in patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

Now, Huperzine A works in a similar way to Alpha GPC by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. One study in animals showed that Huperzine might even have the potential to promote something called neurogenesis, which is the growth of new brain cells (something previously believed to be impossible).

There’s also a growing body of evidence suggesting that Huperzine might be used as a neuroprotectant to prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases as we get older. I personally love taking Huperzine. I can anecdotally say that it’s something that uplifts my mood, gives me more focus, and does so in a way that doesn’t stimulate my adrenal glands or make me feel jittery.

A woman sitting at her desk looking at the computer.

13.) Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Now, last but not least, the final ingredient that we decided to add into our mood and neuroprotection blend is an amino acid called Acetyl-L-Carnitine, or ALCAR for short. Now, one of the many benefits of ALCAR is that it fuels energy production in your cells, which is one of the reasons why it may help to combat fatigue. 

It’s also been shown to protect the brain against oxidative stress and boost levels of that neurotransmitter that we’ve talked about, acetylcholine that’s responsible for memory and learning.

This is one of the main reasons researchers believe it could be effective in preventing cognitive decline over time and also why it’s been shown in some studies to help with symptoms of depression. According to a recent meta analysis of 791 patients, acetyl-l-carnitine was actually shown to be superior to the placebo in reducing depressive symptoms and also seemed to have effects comparable to standard antidepressants, while causing very few side effects. How cool is that?


A woman with headphones on sitting in bed

13.) Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Now, last but not least, the final ingredient that we decided to add into our mood and neuroprotection blend is an amino acid called Acetyl-L-Carnitine, or ALCAR for short. Now, one of the many benefits of ALCAR is that it fuels energy production in your cells, which is one of the reasons why it may help to combat fatigue. 

It’s also been shown to protect the brain against oxidative stress and boost levels of that neurotransmitter that we’ve talked about, acetylcholine that’s responsible for memory and learning.

This is one of the main reasons researchers believe it could be effective in preventing cognitive decline over time and also why it’s been shown in some studies to help with symptoms of depression. According to a recent meta analysis of 791 patients, acetyl-l-carnitine was actually shown to be superior to the placebo in reducing depressive symptoms and also seemed to have effects comparable to standard antidepressants, while causing very few side effects. How cool is that?

A woman with headphones on sitting in bed
A group of people standing next to each other.

Whew! Okay, that was a lot.

But I hope by now you have a better understanding of the role each of these ingredients play inside Raveraide, and why we specifically chose to include each one inside of our product.

There’s a reason why people feel so good when they drink Raveraide, and why so many say they would never attend a music festival without it.

Not only was it designed to help you recover and bounce back faster after a night of partying, but each ingredient works synergistically with one another to both uplift you, and create an experience of clarity unlike anything else.

Yes, Raveraide was created to help you improve your experience at music festivals, but the truth is it’s SO much more than that.

This product was created for daily use, as a way to help you achieve peak mental performance, and get you into that flow state whenever you need it most. 

We are proud of Raveraide not only for the ingredients that are in it, but also for what’s NOT in it. 

Our commitment to quality means you will NEVER find any artificial flavors, sweeteners, dyes, or colors in our products.

Each delicious serving of Raveraide is sweetened with real fruit extracts, to ensure you never have to worry about unwanted chemical solvents, fillers, or preservatives.

100% Transparency, Uncompromising Quality. That is our promise to you.

Peace, Love, Unity, Raveraide. 


Whew! Okay, that was a lot.

But I hope by now you have a better understanding of the role each of these ingredients play inside Raveraide, and why we specifically chose to include each one inside of our product.

There’s a reason why people feel so good when they drink Raveraide, and why so many say they would never attend a music festival without it.

Not only was it designed to help you recover and bounce back faster after a night of partying, but each ingredient works synergistically with one another to both uplift you, and create an experience of clarity unlike anything else.

Yes, Raveraide was created to help you improve your experience at music festivals, but the truth is it’s SO much more than that.

This product was created for daily use, as a way to help you achieve peak mental performance, and get you into that flow state whenever you need it most. 

We are proud of Raveraide not only for the ingredients that are in it, but also for what’s NOT in it. 

Our commitment to quality means you will NEVER find any artificial flavors, sweeteners, dyes, or colors in our products.

Each delicious serving of Raveraide is sweetened with real fruit extracts, to ensure you never have to worry about unwanted chemical solvents, fillers, or preservatives.

100% Transparency, Uncompromising Quality. That is our promise to you.

Peace, Love, Unity, Raveraide. 

At Raveraide, we are committed to providing the very best tools & resources for improving your physical & mental health. If you’d like to learn about some of our favorite strategies for recovering from festivals & just feeling better on a day to day basis, check out these posts:

This post was all about the top rave recovery ingredients inside Raveraide that help you to bounce back faster after festivals.

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